chinatown and dc, and even more boxes at the universitys f pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floo rkr where he parks his corvette and which is secured by only a garageor door that. is paper thin and open. most of the timeump also. trump also said he has been summoned to appear at the federal courthouse iurthousn miami, florida, next tuesday. another quot ie i never thought it was possible that such a thing could happen to a former unite president of the ud states. i am an innocent mann innoce, hd this is indeed a dark da sy forf the united states of america. matthew whitaker is the former acting attorney generaorney gelr former president trump. he joins me now with reaction. first first of all, just your in reaction to what the formet jur president just said. this is a dark day for this nation. yeahs, harris, good to be with you. it s a really sad day for our countrd da y. i mean, if you believe ine the rule of law and if you believe in equal justice
to the point where people begin to question everything now. all right. it is. and i ca n understand whys: i matthew whitaker says and why the president put that out on to social. d what we got to take a real good look and make sure we get things right and that they re equal. kevin corke excellent reporting. we ll come back to you as the news warrants. you bet. the republican ind investigation into president joe biden for his alleged involvement in a criminal briberyhi scheme a announced major new findings today. hours later, on the very same day, the biden administration a rather the biden doj indicted former president and leadingidate presidential candidate donald trump. we ll get into whether or not thatdo. ther feels or seems or couldco be connected. house republicanected.s say evih contained in an fbi document a shows the nation s 46 presidentf is now at the center oorf some pressure for the truth about millions of dollars that he received as bribes. and the fbi needs to explain