president-elect donald trump taking the weekend off to spend some time with his family. it is expected he s expected to get back to work selecting the cabinet for his new administration. i m sure he s hot on the job. the president-elect has already filled a few cabinet spots. the latest being general james matos as secretary of defense. so far, he s been criticized for lack of diversity in the picks and for the number of millionaires and billionaires that he s appointed. many of his cabinet picks are being scrutinized, betsy devos. educators on both sides of the aisle say devos push for
since election day and even more so with the education pick for secretary, betsy devos, a koch brothers aligned mega donor. she s a major supporter of charter schools and vouchers, both of which divert tax dollars that would ordinarily go to taxes that would support public schools. devos and her husband helped to pass the state s first charter school law and right-to-work legislation. she s an advocate for school s choice and some say devos has consistently pushed a corporate agenda to privatize and