Discovery of large sediment hosted copper system confirmed by diamond drilling: Assay results for diamond drill holes ST23-01, ST23-02 and ST23-03 indicate that all three holes have intersected sediment hosted copper beneath the near-surface copper deposits at Storm ST23-02 has intersected a 24 metre thick interval of copper sulfides at depth with copper values up to 2.7% Cu, indicating the potential of the deeper .
cranked a window and rolled up the window? i special order one of those. it s a lean over to crank the other side. i love that. carbon copy. we do say cc. that means carbon copy. how many times you re a carbon copy of someone i knew in high school? give me the clicker. i love that. but the clicker doesn t click. or the tape. roll the tape. there is no tape. rewind. nothing is being rewound. we re watching the tube. what s the tube? the tube is gone. some words have disappeared, like xerox. if someone says xerox this, that s the name of a company that copies. so that is an example of that. for example, when people say lower the music. i still say lower the victrola. comment, do you miss rewinding your tapes with your pinky? i do a little bit. i do, too. how do you download 78 s?