"Catch Me In The Air" is an exhilarating homage to Sawayama s mother, who raised her as a single parent. The video stitches together fan-submitted footage of her performing the previously unreleased track on her recent U.K. and U.S. tours.
Back in January 2020, Rina Sawayama announced a slate of North American tour dates that were set to take place in the spring. The shows, of course, did not take place due to the pandemic, and, now, Sawayama has rescheduled her tour for 2022. The London-based pop artist has also announced four additional European concerts that’ll take place next year. Check out Sawayama’s itinerary below.
Rina Sawayama released her debut
SAWAYAMA last year. She recently shared a new version of the record’s “Chosen Family,” featuring Elton John.
Original version of Chosen Family appears on her 2020 debut album, Sawayama
Sarah Grant | April 14, 2021 - 12:45 pm
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“Chosen Family,” Rina Sawayama’s soaring ballad dedicated to LGBTQ+ individuals who lost family and friends after coming out, has just gotten a piano-driven makeover courtesy of Sir Elton John. A new lyric video shows Sawayama with flowing, mermaid hair and peony silk gloves, singing beside John in a glistening black blazer.
The new version scales down some of the production of the original. The British singers trade verses over John’s delicate piano playing, before duetting on the triumphant, gale-force chorus: “We don’t need to be related to relate/ We don’t need to share genes or a surname,” John and Sawayama sing, poignantly. “You are, you are, my chosen family.”