type of questions we asked of him. he voluntarily entered them. he had been released from prison in the past. so you have a ruled him out? yet not yet. with a list of possible suspects shrinking, detective shifted their focus is something that might have provided them a first break in the. case with melissa s iphone missing detectives put an emergency request to the phone company. to see if it could help track herself. one thing i got the report. detective candle couldn t believe what he. saw ulises iphone had been active after the murder. and somebody had actually gone into her voice mail, and play back messages. red tex. it kind of makes sense, as to why he would want to do something like. this police were dumbfounded that somebody wouldn t know that a smartphone was a detective s best friend. and police could track them using cell towers. it was either bold or stupid or both. people know this concept of pinging off towers. the cell phone is telling the