i m fine. nobody up to this point told me the plane hit the first building. nobody. i am angled towards the north building. what i saw was chunks of fire balls coming down from the sky. we saw chunks of fire balls, my god, what is happening? i ran into brian, a co-worker of ours. i told him people were jumping from the building. we walked over watching more people jump to their death. brian just walked away. he couldn t believe what he was seeing. the strobe lights flashed throughout the office, a siren gave a whoop-whoop and a familiar voice. the man who had conducted all the fire safety drills came on the p.a. system and said, your attention, ladies and gentlemen. building two is secure. there s no need to evacuate building two. if you re in the midst of evacuation, you may use the re-entry doors and elevators to return to your offices. repeat, building to and went through the announcement again. i went out movie office and sort