[ applause ] yes! i have been a fan of brandt for decades ever since his talk though show, big bro. a show so outrageous that legal would not let us show it. it sucks. he was a brilliant brain in search of food at a time where shells were ba babare. brandt made the most bankrupt change. he was a great comedian, successful actor, bigger than most rock stores and helps that he looked rescue. and before he got sober, he proved no amounts of drugs can take him down. he s a comedian and tv star and married to pop star and dresses like a savvy hypotist. what does he do? he walks away from it. he walks away from it like hunter biden strolling away from a stripper s baby. literally, he lets it go. for what? to do a podcast because we don t have enough of them. he was not pushed or a victim of cancel culture, no. it is the opposite. they didn t cancel him. he cancels them. no one does that. ever. he dumped stardom. who was the side piece he could not resist? something calls truth. i