On the auspicious day of Vijayadashami, India’s first Diploma in Mountaineering course was launched by Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). The course is designed by the Guardian Giripremi Institute of Mountaineering (GGIM), the pioneer mountaineering training institute in Southern India and the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM).
16 students removed from instt chat group
16 students removed from instt chat group
BySalonee MistrySalonee Mistry / Updated: Jun 25, 2021, 07:58 IST
Claim spoke about placement promise; AIMS mngmt says foul words used, rumours spread.
Although it was supposed to be an informal chat platform to discuss issues, 16 students were removed from the
AIMS Institute of Management Studies’ chat group when their discussions about placements were reported, as has been claimed. The management said it was not that simple, and the students had used foul language against faculty and staff, and also spread rumours.
The students, pursuing
MBA degrees at AIMS, said this hits their free speech. They said they were only discussing how the institute had failed on its assurance of getting them placements. The aggrieved most of them were later reinstated in the group after the management spoke with their parents expressed shock that the management was monitoring their views on an informal pl