LEXINGTON, Ky. – VisitLEX recognized 30 people as Hometown Hosts at a recent luncheon at the Central Bank Center. Developed by VisitLEX in 2004, the Hometown Host Program provides support and resources to anyone in Kentucky who can influence and be instrumental in bringing meetings, conventions and events to Lexington.
A common refrain in educational circles is that we don’t teach the course; we teach the students in the room. This suggests that in addition to adopting evidence-based and “best” practices for curricular design and teaching, it’s just as important that we get to know our students as learners. This idea is reflected in the first principle of UK’s current strategic plan putting students first. With this mindset, the classroom becomes a dialogic space where we collaborate with students to make their learning meaningful, purposeful and successful.
“Together, we will develop game-changing capabilities through the use of high-fidelity, validated physics models." Researchers at the University of Kentucky are working with NASA to advance key technologies for exploring the moon, Mars and beyond.