Two local protest groups are calling for major projects under the Ennis 2040 plan to go before a public vote. Save Ennis Town and the Retailers of Ennis believe a plebiscite should be held to determine the will of the people before progressing any strategic developments that could have major business and civic impacts. A […]
A large crowd gathered descended on the offices of Áras Chontae An Chláir today for a protest with a difference. As local traders and residents of Ennis engaged in a silent march demanding the protection of riverside car parks in the town. The protest was organised by the Save Ennis Town Group and saw […]
A silent march will take place in Ennis next week to protest against proposed redevelopments on local riverside car-parks. At 9:30am on Tuesday October 10th, lobby group ‘Save Ennis Town’ will descend on Áras Chontae An Chláir with the backing of a 3,500 signature strong petition, which will be presented to Mayor of Ennis, Cllr […]