At a council hearing Thursday, D.C.’s Department of Transportation acting director Sharon Kershbaum said changes to the busy road won’t include bike lanes.
save connecticut. because connecticut is going down the tubes. when i read articles about pronouns, changes for the rulebook, i m like my god. i keep seeing my face in the newspaper and laughing i think it s a little ridiculous to be quite honest. when i was elected there were other members of the board, we were in the middle of reviewing all of our rules. there was 30 rule changes, i could be wrong about that. there are quite a large number of them. this was one proposed by a couple other people democrats and republicans that were looking at and saying this doesn t really fit considering who was just elected. what can we do to make it more appropriate? you want the driving force behind this. there were other members of the board, that s wild. given all the things that stanford and other towns and cities in connecticut face, that s incredible. you could be someone who just tries to work to fix stanford
get me up to speed on the pronouns because in new york you have to use you can t use he or her or she or him at all, i guess you have to use ze or hir, you can be fined. you re not quite there. i m not too up-to-date on new york states laws because my stuff happens in connecticut. my goals, my issues that were trying to tackle, were not looking to ban terminology. quite the opposite i lead the charge in people wanted to use their pronouns. i don t want to tell people you can t be a he or she, use what makes you happy and what makes you feel right.
laura: you require people refer to you as when do didu transition? i don t like to use the word require. if someone else is going to use gendered nouns for me that i don t like i m not going to take offense to it. there are bigger issues at hand than this. i hesitate to even say we, because when i got on the board, when i was elected the first issues i wanted to tackle were and we are tackling our issues of development, not being handled responsibly in our city. these are what are actually important. laura: you know what i was thinking i grew up in connecticut and glastonbury, connecticut has so many problem problems. losing jobs. losing businesses. taxes. i don t care if you are transgender, gazed, straight, whatever you are but if you are in politics in connecticut,