CHARLOTTE, N.C. Every high school graduation is a small miracle. This one, though, feels more miraculous than most. The boy Rae Carruth once tried to kill has become a young man about to graduate from a Charlotte high school. Chancellor Lee Adams has already tried on his cap and gown to make sure it fits. He has an orange-and-blue shirt and tie to wear underneath the gown and match his .
Good afternoon, Charlotte. This is Kristen, here with some deeply sad news to share today. David T. Foster III — a loving man and an award-winning Observer photographer and videographer — was found dead in his apartment off Park Road on Monday afternoon. He was 52. Those close to Foster remember him as a teddy bear of a man with a big personality — and die-hard lover of the Tar Heels. We’re holding his family in our hearts during this time of grief. Here, you can remember Foster’s memory with folks who loved him and view some of his work from over the years. Rest in peace, David.