A customer at IKEA Bengaluru had a horrifying experience on Saturday when a dead rat fell onto her food table at the store s food court. The customer, Sharanya Shetty, shared her experience on Twitter, which quickly went viral. Shetty said that she was eating at the food court with her family when she saw the rat fall onto her table. , Bengaluru News, Times Now
The district administration of Noida has advised people to stay away from the swollen rivers of Yamuna and Hindon for the next 72 hours as the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast rain in the next three days. The IMD has issued a yellow alert for Noida, indicating that moderate to heavy rain is likely at isolated places., Delhi News, Times Now
Hyderabad woke up to rain on Tuesday morning, bringing much-needed relief from the heat. The rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it is likely to continue throughout the day. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a yellow alert for Hyderabad, indicating that moderate to heavy rain is likely at isolated places. The alert is in place for Wednesday and Thursday., Hyderabad News, Times Now
A farmer in Pune, Maharashtra, has made a whopping ₹2.8 crore by selling tomatoes amid the recent price hike. Ishwar Gayakar, who cultivates tomatoes on his 12-acre farm, has already sold around 17,000 crates of tomatoes at prices ranging from ₹770 to ₹2,311 per crate. Check out further details - , Pune News, Times Now
The Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) started early morning services from JBS to MGBS on July 13. The services will start at 6 am and will run till 11:15 pm. The HMRL has decided to start early morning services to cater to the needs of the people who travel to work early in the morning. The services will be available on all weekdays and Saturdays., Hyderabad News, Times Now