internationally understand this abroad he will do what he can to smooth over hard feeling withs the saudis and encourage them to loosen the spigot when it comes to oil production at the same time. domestically, though, there s a heavy price to be paid. the price of criticism from both the political left and the right that what he s doing is essentially shuffling over to the saudis hat in hand while tamping down domestic oil production here at home. not exactly a real picnic when you consider he s been critical as rich pointed out as saudis human rights records. quote from the start my aim was to reorient but not rupture relations with a country that s been strategic partner for 80 years. today saudi arabia has help today restore unity among the six counties of the gulf cooperation council. has fully supported the truce in yemen and now working with my experts to help stabilize oil markets with other opec producers, end quote. understandably on capitol hill, you guessed it, go
internationally understand this abroad he will do what he can to smooth over hard feeling withs the saudis and encourage them to loosen the spigot when it comes to oil production at the same time. domestically, though, there s a heavy price to be paid. the price of criticism from both the political left and the right that what he s doing is essentially shuffling over to the saudis hat in hand while tamping down domestic oil production here at home. not exactly a real picnic when you consider he s been critical as rich pointed out as saudis human rights records. quote from the start my aim was to reorient but not rupture relations with a country that s been strategic partner for 80 years. today saudi arabia has help today restore unity among the six counties of the gulf cooperation council. has fully supported the truce in yemen and now working with my experts to help stabilize oil markets with other opec producers, end quote.