ZURICH -Clariant and its main shareholder Saudi Basic Industries Corp are to end a so-called governance agreement defining their relationship, stirring speculation SABIC could launch a full takeover. | May 17, 2022
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, accompanied by Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, Saudi Arabia s Energy Minister, Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz,. | March 17, 2022
• The new collaboration with Kraton will deliver certified renewable butadiene from SABIC s TRUCIRCLE™ portfolio for use in Kraton s certified renewable styrenic block. | March 14, 2022
Petrochemicals giant Saudi Basic Industries Corp s joint venture project with ExxonMobil in the U.S. Gulf Coast, which involves an ethylene production unit, has begun commercial operations, it. | January 21, 2022
The company calls upon its Shareholders to quickly update their data and ensure that their bank account numbers are linked to their investment portfolios to ensure that their dividend. | December 19, 2021