this witness appeared october of this. this was just seven days. usually witnesses are not public. this was a short timeline for that apparent notification. gregg: catherine herridge thank you very much. reporter: you re welcome. jenna: we ll be revisiting the story throughout the hour. we ll return to what is happening in the washington navy yard. it is opening today, three days after the shooting rampage that killed 12 people. meantime police releasing new information on gunman aaron alexis who they say was carrying a weapon with some strange markings. begs more questions here. steve centanni is live from the washington navy yard in d.c. with more. steve, what are they talking about, these strange markings? reporter: yeah, jenna, very mysterious. authorities are frankly puzzled by this as you know aaron alexis bought a saud off shot gun saturday a few days before the attack in northern virginia, not far from where i m standing. bought a winchester shotgun with a wooden stock, som