a sauce maker in china and by and large, he like a lot of the ceo colleagues, are piling up the cash, close to $2 trillion worth and many in the administration and washington want to see those bosses start hiring but between the prospect of higher taxes, and the implements and the prospects of the the economy and prospects of more regular graciotion these g not doing it and that is troubling in washington. bill: christine romer heads up the economic team, essentially. she s the chairman of the council on economic advisors. bill: she s leaving. fill in the holes. what is happening inside the white house. she argues for a a lot of people can relate to her, she s from california and wants to go back there, and, there is no real big jolt with that. the timing surprises me. bill: you don t think they are laying this on her? i m not saying that. i think, this is a something