In his address, Chief Minister said that Congress is the government in the state and Congress will advance the development of Shimla city. The Congress party will solve every problem of the city alone by providing clean water to the people of Shimla, widening the roads and fixing the hanging electric wires in Shimla. He also urged people to vote for Congress party candidates and make them successful.
Television hottie Renee Dhyani is well-known for her stint in the popular youth-based reality show Roadies 8. The pretty diva became a household name for the same and there was no looking back. Renee's career saw a huge rise as she went on to participate in another reality show, Bigg Boss 8, and managed to impress everyone with her presence. |
Satya Verma, an Indian American professor at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, was recently inducted into the National Optometry Hall of Fame.