Abdullah Azam claimed before the MP/MLA court in Rampur on Wednesday that Hardoi jail administration was forcing him to "sleep on moist floor and providing cold water for bath despite freezing conditions."
India News: BAREILLY: Senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan's son Abdullah Azam, who is serving a seven-year prison term in two fake birth certificate case.
BAREILLY: Senior Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan's son Abdullah Azam, who is serving a seven-year prison term in two fake birth certificate case.
120 test Covid positive in UP jail
120 test Covid positive in UP jail
Last Updated: Mon, Jan 25th, 2021, 10:48:06hrs
Lucknow, Jan 25 (IANS) A total of 117 inmates and three officials of the Basti district jail in Uttar Pradesh have tested positive for Covid-19.
They were found positive during random testing. Senior jail officials said that they were all asymptomatic.
The barrack has been converted into an L-1 hospital where a team of doctors are monitoring the patients.
Jailor Satish Chandra Tripathi said a preliminary investigation revealed that the infection spread from some jail officials who had gone outside the premises. All patients have been isolated in the barracks, he said.
126 test COVID-19 positive within 10 days in UP jail
By PTI| Posted by Neha | Published: 25th January 2021 8:50 pm IST
Gorakhpur: As many as 123 inmates of the Basti jail and three prison staff members have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, an official said on Monday.
“A barrack has been turned into an L-1 hospital where infected jail inmates have been isolated and they are being monitored by a team of doctors, while the three jail staff members have been home quarantined,” Jailor Satish Chandra Tripathi said.
“During test for COVID-19 on January 1, January 13 and January 14, no jail staff or inmate was found coronavirus positive. But between January 15 and 24, as many as 123 inmates and three staff members were found positive for the infection. Twenty inmates have been discharged so far and they are under supervision for a week,” Tripathi said.