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[customer] have you ever walkedp into the paint store feeling like you should really know more than you know? satin versus semi-gloss, and.i don t know! [team member] yes.i know the feeling. [customer] that s how i feel right now about all the financing options for this project i m doing. i feel like i should know more than i know. [team member] don t sweat it. we have this new tool my credit options guide that gives you a customized comparison like this, which helps you discover which credit options might be right for you. [customer] oh, this is better. they should make one for paint. [team member] want to get started? [customer] sure.
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re feeling like you should really know more than you know? satin versus semi-gloss, and.i don t know! [team member] yes.i know the feeling. [customer] that s how i feel right now about all the financing options for this project i m doing. i feel like i should know more than i know. [team member] don t sweat it. we have this new tool my credit options guide that gives you a customized comparison like this, which helps you discover which credit options might be right for you. [customer] oh, this is better. they should make one for paint. [team member] want to get started? [customer] sure. come close, come close. fun in art class. i like that. [ music stops suddenly ] ah. when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. awww. try this. for minor arthritis pain, only aleve can stop pain for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. thank you. come on everybody. you can t quit, neither should your pain reliever. stay all day strong with 12 hour aleve.