Guha, also the former deputy speaker of West Bengal Assembly, was a four-time MLA from the Satgachia Assembly constituency, one of the seven Assembly seats under Diamond Harbour. As veteran MLA, she had been keenly involved with the organisational activities of the state s ruling party in the entire Lok Sabha constituency, and BJP now wants to use her experience in creating fissures in the ruling fort in Diamond Harbour.Stat
Guha, also the former deputy speaker of West Bengal Assembly, was a four-time MLA from the Satgachia Assembly constituency, one of the seven Assembly seats under Diamond Harbour. As veteran MLA, she had been keenly involved with the organisational activities of the state s ruling party in the entire Lok Sabha constituency, and BJP now wants to use her experience in creating fissures in the ruling fort in Diamond Harbour.Stat
Defections from Trinamool mar poll landscape
Moral victory, says Bharatiya Janata Party, while the Trinamool Congress terms it ‘good riddance’
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TMC leaders Sonali Guha (4th from right) and Sarala Murmu (2nd from right) joining BJP in Kolkata on Monday.
Moral victory, says Bharatiya Janata Party, while the Trinamool Congress terms it ‘good riddance’
The defection of 88-year-old four-time Trinamool Congress MLA from Singur Rabindranath Bhattacharya to the BJP could not have come at a worse time. Mr. Bhattacharya known as “master
moshai (teacher)” is not only respected for his integrity, but he was also the face of the protests against forcible land acquisition at Singur for the Tata Nano small car project.