we are specifying sissy-fighti. we ve gone from not needing man, today s feminists want to castrate men and emasculate men. you know what will affect generations to come when men are behaving like sissies and women are behaving like anarchists and that s the definition of successful feminism? if you want to stand up for women, what about sweet little ashley cavanaugh who sat outside president bush s office, thecl epitome of class and decorum, and bret, who had the hardest job by my estimation in the white house, this staff secretary who practiced absolute unequivocal discretion and decorum. his friend who is a friend of ours is being attacked onro
in my day of feminism, there was a string that a woman needs a man. we talked about not needing men, to wanting to castrate men, emasculate men. do know it will affect generations, when men are behaving like sissies and women are behaving like anarchists. that to the definition of successful feminism. if you want to stand up for women, what about ashley s, sweet little ashley kavanaugh who sat outside of president bush s office? the epitome of class and decoru decorum. a staff secretary , unequivocal discretion. this huge record today. his friend was a friend of ours is being attacked on facebook. they will probably run him out
to be appalled. why do no democrat support his removal? i think we do have the support. it s very difficult for some of them because many of them are from that geographic area of broward county, significant portion of our democratic colleagues. for them, it was like, you re right,rd go forward, we encourae you. but signing the letter was something that was a step too far for them. they are completely supportive, whether it s the parents i ve talked to of the victims, whether it s our t colleagues across the aisle, everyone has discussed is disgusted with his attitude and what he s doing today. tucker: my impression is thee deputies who sat outside, armed while 17 people were murdered, more than their legal rights, they were allowed to do that. most of us respect law enforcementnk because we think they will put our their lives on the line for us. they didn t. this seems to me something a legislator could address. if you are in charge of protecting the public, shouldn t you be obliga
minnesota. hi, son. hello! oh my gosh, this is the first time i ve seen you with your haircut, i really like it. yeah? so how was your day? it was all right. sat outside, read a lot. really sunny, i have been sitting outside. are you still working every day? every day. that is a good thing, isn t it? yeah, work every day have my time go by fast. have you checked into classes, son? no. okay. one thing gonzales and his mother need to settle is exactly where he will fulfill his court-machine dated rehab. i can go here and do a program here and transfer for free, instead of paying. transfer where, here? from phoenix house here and transfer over there to the phoenix house once i get out. they will pick me up and it s free. yeah, well you would have me go to minnesota? yeah, you ll have more family support. that is absolutely critical to your recovery, son.
but also different so what happened then is this. it was different but it was similar, yeah i we were i was there with two chaperons. he had invited me out there. he said he was going to introduce me to modelling agencies and he told my sponsor that i had a huge career ahead of me and a great look. so i was excited to go out there and see what i could do. so i went out there, sat outside, his receptionist called him back and when he came out to greet me he gave me another embrace and a kiss. it was a little different this time. it felt like a little more to me. so i felt awkward and i just remembered in my mind going what does he think this ises. i m thinking he s married. this is awkward for me. he s much older. this is not at all what i came here for. so to me it was like i hope me knows that i m here for business. i m not here for anything other than business. and it did impact you. it did yeah. at that time for sure it did. i was youmg and it was just different.