The movie begins with a boy finding a woman’s dead body at an isolated place. Police Inspector Rakshan Appachira (Nandagopal) visits the spot. The police suspect the deceased is Nyja (Sarika Rao), the wife of Nishanth (Arjun Yogi) who works as an architect at a private company.
Student Government (SG) midterm election results were announced on Friday with lower voter turnout compared to last year’s election.
A total of 8,394 votes were cast per candidate in the election for both Senate and campus council candidates across all three campuses, with 7,919 votes coming from
A function was held at Suchitra Film Society, Banashankari, recently to release the teaser of Aade Namma God. The movie, made under BBR Films and Everest India Entertainment banner, has received UA certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification without any cuts.
The book ‘What does it mean to be ‘Indian?’ is a critical contribution to decolonisation studies. It emerges out of a research programme that has the potential to shake the very foundations of Western social sciences