any fact ran out to the back deck for a little while and the police whistled at me and directed me to go right back inside so did i. i shut the door and pulled the blinds down and went back to the front of house and grabbed my ipad and started recording. we have seen the video this is okay and ath is over and a lot of people are thankful for that. zacarias at the moment is in dhokhar is intubeiated and sedated. it moves forward. the charges haven t come yet and could come any time, geraldo are. geraldo: what is wrong with that? you don t want him to have a lawyer? no, that was a sarcastic ex-hale in general. i was part of the practitioner s group that made the recommendation to the white house with the high value detainee interrogation group now the hig. we hear hig is on the the
dhokhar is intubeiated and sedated. it moves forward. the charges haven t come yet and could come any time, geraldo are. geraldo: what is wrong with that? you don t want him to have a lawyer? no, that was a sarcastic ex-hale in general. i was part of the practitioner s group that made the recommendation to the white house with the high value detainee interrogation group now the hig. we hear hig is on the the scene. the best and the brightest. geraldo: it has been there. not a matter of about miranda or are being able to talk. the exception to public safety. he will be talked to. geraldo: he will be talked to, fine. we will be right back, folks. the cost of all this, coming up.
dhokhar is intubeiated and sedated. it moves forward. the charges haven t come yet and could come any time, geraldo are. geraldo: what is wrong with that? you don t want him to have a lawyer? no, that was a sarcastic ex-hale in general. i was part of the practitioner s group that made the recommendation to the white house with the high value detainee interrogation group now the hig. we hear hig is on the the scene. the best and the brightest. geraldo: it has been there. not a matter of about miranda or are being able to talk. the exception to public safety. he will be talked to. geraldo: he will be talked to, fine. we will be right back, folks. the cost of all this, coming up. [ male announcer ] why is kellogg s crunchy nut so delicious?