O Brien did not indicate what was contained in the contract he said existed, but he said he is certain it exists in digital forms and as a hard copy at the scene.
BALLSTON SPA, N.Y. A former Schoharie County Corrections Officer, was sentenced to two to six years in state prison for possessing a loaded “ghost gun” in Saratoga Springs in 2023. According to a press release from Saratoga County District Attorney Karen Heggen’s office, Timothy J. Feldman, 23, was sentenced in Saratoga County Court for […]
The former Schoharie County corrections officer caught with a ghost gun on Caroline Street in Saratoga Springs last summer was sentenced to two-to-six years in state prison Wednesday.
The Saratoga County Republican Party has endorsed a new candidate for county judge after Matt Coseo dropped out of the race following the release of comments he made regarding a court case before his boss.
BALLSTON SPA, N.Y. The man accused of kidnapping a 9-year-old Greenfield girl from Moreau Lake State Park in September pleaded guilty to charges related to kidnapping and predatory sexual assault against a child. Saratoga County District Attorney Karen Heggen said Craig N. Ross, Jr., 46, of Ballston Spa, pleaded guilty to first-degree kidnapping, and Predatory Sexual Assault Against a Child regarding his acts in the Town of Milton during the period of Sept. 30, 2023, through Oct. 2, 2023. Ross was arraigned in November on a nine-count indictment by Saratoga County Court Judge James A. Murphy, III. Through his […]