The law firms we lost in 2023. Turn up your speakers and hit Sarah MacLachlan's Angel for this one.[American Lawyer] Maine joins Colorado and invokes the Fourteenth Amendment to bar Trump from the ballot. Critics point out that, politically, this is only happening in states Trump would lose in November which is true but it could compromise the nomination if he's stripped of delegates from a significant number of states. Or could have compromised the nomination before Nikki Haley decided to blow up her career over a remedial American History question. [CNN] DOJ threatens to sue Texas over its new border law because the Supremacy Clause still exists. [Houston Chronicle] Meanwhile, employers are desperate for immigrant work options as full employment and labor shortages collide. So, obviously, the next election is going to turn on "blood poisoning." [Bloomberg Law News] Trial over NRA finances moves forward as NYAG believes she has smoking gun