investigate wrongdoing from former justice department officials. scott perry is obviously not one of those. but his interaction with jeffrey clark might be why this is of interest. here is a part of what scott perry had to say about this today. he said, i am outraged so not surprised at the fbi, under the investigation of macron s doj would seize the phone of a sitting member of congress. my phone contains info of a legislative and political activities. and personal private discussions of my wife, family, constituents, friends. none of this is the government business we should note that we are told that his phone was damaged and that it was returned to him and that was pretty clear that investigators were going to have to go to a court and get a second warrant in order to actually be able to look at the contents of the phone which exist, they are taking precautions to make sure that they are only looking for things relevant to their investigation, not just pouring over the entire con