December 22, 2020
Paul Paz y Miño As my physical world has shrunk, the online world has expanded by multiples of thousands. And once I get through this, I have no doubt that Chevron will be paying this judgment such that thousands of Indigenous people and rural communities will have a clean environment and thousands of lives will be saved. That s what this is ultimately about.
Steven Donziger
What do you get when you beat Chevron in court? 500 days of home detention.
Chevron has once again failed to greenwash its dirty reputation. This year, it even went as far as attempting to deny history claiming its human rights policy reflects the expectations we have of our employees, suppliers, and business partners to respect human rights. The corporate behemoth s attempts to clean-up its image are just motivating climate activists to swarm social media and call out the company for its pollution and numerous rights violations.