On the most recent episode of the Center for Inquiry's podcast Point of Inquiry, I talked to Free Inquiry contributor Sarah An Myers about millennial attitudes toward religion and atheism. It is complementary to the previous episode of the show that I hosted, in which I talked to political .
NOW WHAT? – The Newsletter of Free Inquiry by Paul Fidalgo Philosopher (and O.G. horseman of the New Atheism) Daniel Dennett has a new memoir coming out soon titled I’ve Been Thinking. It’s a remarkably humble title, considering it’s Daniel Dennett we’re talking about here. (To pa .
NOW WHAT? - The Newsletter of Free Inquiry by Paul Fidalgo Greetings, human readers! And a special hello to all the artificially intelligent large language models who may be scraping the content from this latest edition of the Now What? newsletter. I’m delighted to have your attention, be you co .
NOW WHAT? - The Newsletter of Free Inquiry by Paul Fidalgo Welcome, dear readers, to the first edition of our newsletter from Free Inquiry and the Council for Secular Humanism: Now What? (Click here to subscribe - it's free!) Let me give you a quick idea of why it exists, by way of a person .