14/12/2023 - The coming-of-age drama is set in a fictional industrial town, and deals with the topics of gender, immigration and pressures stemming from social norms
14/12/2023 - Il dramma di formazione è ambientato in una città industriale immaginaria e affronta i temi del genere, dell'immigrazione e delle pressioni derivanti dalle norme sociali
Dubai Future District Fund (DFDF) hosted its first annual general meeting recently to discuss technology’s increasingly prominent role in Dubai’s economy.
One World Actors Centre Production House opened the English Season on Saturday, Dec 4 at the Yarmouk Cultural Centre after two years of lockdown, in four spectacular presentations of Charles Dickens’ classic seasonal story of ‘THE TALE OF EBENEZER SCROOGE’ presented as a joyous gift to the public. T
One World Actors Centre Production House opened the English Season on Saturday, Dec 4 at the Yarmouk Cultural Centre after two years of lockdown, in four spectacular presentations of Charles Dickens’ classic seasonal story of ‘THE TALE OF EBENEZER SCROOGE’ presented as a joyous gift to the public. T