Donations are still coming into Southeast Arkansas College for its scholarship fund, a week after the school hosted its Roaring Twenties -themed scholarship gala.
The Pine Bluff Ways and Means Committee did not recommend passage of the city's 2022 budget because two financial advisers who had analyzed the figures said the 2022 expectation for revenue was almost $1.5 million more than a six-year average.
A duck-loving time was had as thousands of visitors flocked to southeast Arkansas for the 86th World's Championship Duck Calling Contest and Wings Over the Prairie Festival, a Thanksgiving tradition held in Stuttgart that was canceled last year because of covid-19.
A duck-loving time was had as thousands of visitors flocked to southeast Arkansas for the 86th World's Championship Duck Calling Contest and Wings Over the Prairie Festival, a Thanksgiving tradition held in Stuttgart that was canceled last year because of covid-19.