For medical student Ashton Glover Gatewood, spending time in Wasilla, Alaska, treating patients and learning from physicians at the Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center was both quite similar and very different to her time in tribal health facilities in Oklahoma.
Leslie Barcenas, OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine alumna, said her family s medical history and the challenges they faced when communicating with health care professionals was a big motivation for going into medicine.
Each year, OOA supplies the incoming medical students with their white coats and OOA board members present students with their first stethoscope at an informal presentation and meet and greet during their first week of classes.
The Reboot Center, located in Tandy 115, recently underwent a renovation, and will hold its grand re-opening on Wednesday, Aug. 10, from 2 to 5 p.m. The center’s hours are 5 a.m. to midnight every day and anyone in the OSU-CHS family is welcome to use the space and its resources.
Ronnie Martin was one of the first graduates of Oklahoma s osteopathic medical school. Two of his daughters followed suit and his son is a leader in health policy.