says the u.s. is working with sweden and south korea to secure the release of that u.s. soldier who ran from a tour group into north korea. this comes as matt bradley learns more about the soldier s recent legal troubles. reporter: tonight, a picture of travis king coming into sharper focus. the u.s. army private set off a diplomatic crisis when he dashed across south korea s border with north korea tuesday. i noticed this guy running very sort of in a line to what s the other side. reporter: sara leslie from new zealand says she was on a guided tour of the demilitarized zone that king joined. my initial thought was he s doing that as a tiktok stunt and that s the stupidest thing you could do. reporter: she showed us this picture she said she took minutes before king dashed across the dmz evading more than a dozen south korean and american soldiers, she said.
Snakes, salamanders, and lizards play important roles in ecosystems globally. One Mount Allison University researcher is now taking a closer look at the lives and behaviour of these under-studied animals and what this could tell us about their survival in an ever-changing environment.