Reported Incidents for April 4-10 200 blk. of South 15th St, Travis Douty, 34, was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant. 800 blk. of Ohio Ave, John Tritz, 20, was arrested for False Imprisonment, Third-Degree Assault, Child Abuse, Obstruction of a Telephone Device, Second-Degree Kidnapping and Domestic Violence. 2800 blk. of East Main St, Cody […]
Reported Incidents Jan. 4-10 300 blk. of North 15th St, Sara Leibach, 41, was arrested for Third-Degree Assault, Criminal Mischief and Domestic Violence. 200 blk. of North Raynolds Ave, Jordan Zeigler, 19, of Pueblo, was arrested for an outstanding arrest warrant. 100 blk. of Utility Ln, Christopher Wilson, 54, of Fort Collins, was arrested for […]