Preconditions but spains Prime Minister mori out of a void is playing hardball he says only the leader of the Biggest Party and thats not close to mom. Also coming up Human Rights Watch accuses russia and syria of targeting civilians in airstrikes on rebel held off well get the latest from a researcher whos been in touch with civilians who are trapped there. Going these gorging on the World Markets down as much as twenty one percent on friday the fourth day of a global sell off but many are still cool each of their faces in the cryptocurrency. And in spain the Festive Season is all about children singing songs that brings billions of euros el gordo or the fat one is here again the worlds biggest thing lottery has brought celebrations and cold hard cash to the streets of spain. Im sorry herman welcome the show its good to have you with us. Just a day after reaching all elections in catalonia its still difficult to judge who won Pro Independence parties took a slim majority but the party