Kindergarteners of St Aloysius Gonzaga School celebrate 'Colours Day' Mangaluru: The Kindergarteners of St Aloysius Gonzaga School celebrated Colours Day
Vaccines prompt your child’s immune system to develop antibodies; they work by imitating the infection they are meant to prevent so that the antibodies can then fight the disease itself. The vaccines timeline is usually spaced out in the time between birth and five years of age. Some of these might also be given as a combination vaccine so that the child gets fewer shots.
Don’t Let The Pandemic Lead To Postponement
Your paediatrician will help you understand the vaccines your child requires at different times. Getting your child vaccinated on time will help protect them against almost seven vaccine-preventable diseases. If your child misses a dose or gets behind schedule, make sure you keep your healthcare provider informed about the delay and take advice. “Vaccines protect children from various vaccine-preventable diseases such as BCG, polio, pertussis, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), diphtheria, the streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium that could cause pneumonia, meningit