prime minister narendra modi on saturday attacked chhattisgarh chief minister bhupesh baghel over the alleged ‘mahadev’ betting app scam, and said the congress leader should tell what links he has with the accused in the case. “the congress government and the chief minister should tell the people of chhattisgarh what link they have with the accused in this scam sitting in dubai,” he said. in a massive election rally in durg, prime minister narendra modi targeted the bhupesh-led congress government.
Artificial intelligence has been debated at the college level for nearly a year over its ethical concerns, and whether the technology should be trusted. But Iowa State faculty and staff have found a unique way to showcase AI’s abilities – by detecting lameness in cattle. The new technology would allow cattle owners to track potential.
Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Raman Singh on Tuesday attacked the Bhupesh Baghel-led government in the state for h