What s fact and what s fiction in this horror movie starring Russell Crowe? We delve into the real story of Father Amorth, who performed over 70,000 exorcisms.
DJ Guilherme Peixoto a Portuguese priest has become famous over the summer, after his performance at World Youth Day in Lisbon. However, a review of the history of ‘raves’ reveals that religion and the dance floor aren’t so far apart
As IPR transitions its music library from physical CDs to digital music files, we're living and reliving a lot of the history that exists in that music library.
Roman Catholics will honor on Tuesday, Dec. 20, the memory of a well-loved Spanish Benedictine abbot, Saint Dominic (Santo Domingo) de Silos (1000 – 1073), who remains well venerated in many parts of the world including the Philippines as the patron saint against rabies and of pregnant women and pri