Brunch costs $98 per person and is served from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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Jose Mendin is Opening an Italian Eatery in the Former Pubbelly Space
Mendin will partner with with former Lucali chef, Santo Agnello, for the new eatery Casa Isola
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Jose Mendin
A year and a half after closing his longstanding Pubbelly restaurant in the Sunset Harbour neighborhood, Jose Mendin has returned to the space to debut his latest outpost:
Casa Isola (1418 20th Street), and Italian-style eatery debuting in the next few weeks.
For this new venture, Mendin has partnered with Brooklyn-born chef, Santo Agnello, who has spent the past seven years at perpetual hotspot Lucali. The menu will feature plenty of dishes that come from Angello’s childhood like pane al prosciutto, a prosciutto bread with parmesan butter; veal chop parmigiana; Milanesa carpaccio with wagyu beef, balsamic, black truffle, heirloom tomatoes; raviolini ai funghi with porcini mushrooms and pine nut gremolata. A selection of wine and beer will also be available as well as five low-pro