It is also said that Ranbir Kapoor's persona is misogynist. Ram Gopal Varma is praising Animal left, right, and center throughout all of this. He has been praising Animal on Twitter for days, calling it the best movie released in a long time. It was he who drew the connection between Animal with The Godfather. |
Ram Gopal Varma asked Sandeep Reddy Vanga if Ranbir Kapoor's character in Animal was inspired by how Sonny Corleone is described in The Godfather novel.
By Santino Corleone Berkwitt Good afternoon morning! After a long hiatus and a good night’s rest, I feel wonderful. It’s nice to join the community of individuals who are engaged in our everyday activities. Sure, I enjoy sleep. Sometimes I dream about fun things like going on car rides and running o