bodies from a fire that swept through a container depot. at least 40 people had been killed in the southeastern town of cit. honda and the port city of shorter graham, the place sparked a large explosion as firefighters rushed to the scene. some of the containers had been stowing flammable chemicals about 450 people have been injured. many other non critical condition. tanveer charter has more from docker lay 10 hours on the blaze is still on, not in that intensity, of course, but many of the containers have fumes coming out. small flames coming out of them, firefighters are worried that if there are chemicals in any of those container, that could be a clear danger to the neighborhood and the public around did the spatial unit. a bottom of the military is helping the firefighters now to salvage operation. does lot of chemicals on the ground? the neighborhoods around that container depot are polluted with foul smelling air. people are saying they re having breathing problems.
most significant weapons sent by the americans since russia s invasion in february . the rockets, helicopters, and tactical vehicles are part of a $700000000.00 worth. a few s reinforcement package intended to stop russian advances. ukraine has agreed they won t be fired at targets in russia. hydro castro has more from washington d. c. it does allow the ukrainian military to extend its range resist, which is what it has been requesting from the u. s. this package is said to include the high mobility artillery rocket system, which has a range of some 80 kilometers. this is going to be part of a package that total some $7800000000.00, and we ll also include more helicopters, more tillery, and more tactical vehicles. those details will be announced by the white house on wednesday, but president joe biden previewed this in an op ed that was published in the new york times. and in a he went to specify that these u. s. a weapons will not be used within russia. he said that they are