ALFRED, – Third-year Alfred State architecture students studying at the Sant’Anna Institute in Sorrento, Italy, recently participated in the sixth annual HOME Competition developed and coordinated by architect and author
Photo courtesy of Positano News Staff Positano News interns take notes in front of a structure from an ancient Roman villa. BY ELIZABETH EGAN, FEATURES ASSIGNMENT EDITOR For anyone planning to make studying abroad part of your college experience, don’t. Instead, seek an internship. For me, interning at Positano News in Piano, Italy, turned out…
BY ANTHONY DASILVA, STAFF WRITER St. Bonaventure is offering study abroad programs across six foreign countries and three continents. The programs are Sorrento, Italy; Perugia, Italy; Spain, Japan, China, Oxford, and an all-new trip to Belize in January of 2023. Two of the programs are on hold or cancelled this year. The study abroad program…