A community shocked by three recent suicides of Chandler Unified School District students spoke out June 8 and told the Governing Board to do more to address the mental health
A community shocked by three recent suicides of Chandler Unified School District students spoke out June 8 and told the Governing Board to do more to address the mental health
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Nearly an hour before the official start of the school day Wednesday, a long line of cars already snaked around the parking lot of Santan Elementary and Junior High School and into the street, a sure sign of anticipation.
Crossing guards and school staff excitedly greeted students as they walked onto campus, welcoming them back, making sure they knew where their classes were and often complimenting them on their first-day outfits.
“I love ‘Cars’, too!” a staff member said upon seeing a boy’s Lightning McQueen shirt.
A parent, holding her daughter’s backpack, smoothed her child’s hair as they waited with others to cross the street. Students filtered into the school gates as parents called out “I love you” and snapped pictures on their phones.