Central Coast residents of all ages gathered at Rotary Centennial Park in Santa Maria for the annual Free Family Kite Festival featuring live music, food trucks and other vendors.
From left to right: Doug Green, Jennifer Adams, Elida Ledesma, and Samuel Duarte.
–The Spokes Symposium 2021 brings together experts in the field and regional nonprofit leaders to discuss taking stock, pivoting, and building collaborations to survive and thrive during times of great change. The virtual event will take place from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on three consecutive Thursdays, April 13, 20, and 27.
On April 20, in session two of the three-part Spokes Symposium, keynote speaker Doug Green of La Piana Consulting will share La Piana’s “Collaborative Map.” Green will be joined by a panel of nonprofit leaders who have found successful ways to collaborate before and during the current crisis.