Chicago's Economic Development Agency works to attract businesses to the city and right now, they're on a charm offensive to bring in a world-famous toy-maker and distributor.
Santa's Workshop Volunteers Needed. In a joint effort, Humboldt County Granges, Kiwanis, and the PTSA of South Bay/Pine Hill School District are working together to create a Santa’s Workshop event for the youth of Pine Hill School, Loleta School, and Peninsula School. To make this the best Santa’s Workshop yet, volunteers are needed to help set-up Saturday through Tuesday (Dec. 9-12), and to be shopping elves /wrapping elves on Wednesday & Thursday (Dec.13-14). For more information call 707-442-4890 ext. 2 or email at
In a tinsel-trimmed corner of Upstate New York, just a reindeer's leap from Montreal, a year-round Christmas village shimmers like a snow globe brought to life. Santa's Workshop in North Pole, NY, is a perpetual winter wonderland that defies the seasons.