The temple of Sant Ravidas will be constructed in Sagar at a cost of Rs 100 crore to be provided by the state government. A Sangrahalay (museum) will also be constructed at the temple premises. Meanwhile, Modi also launched some other development projects in poll-bound Madhya Pradesh, including the re-development of the Kota (Rajasthan)-Beena (Madhya Pradesh) railway line.
The prime minister addressed a public programme at Dhana in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh after performing bhoomi pujan and laying the foundation stone for the construction of Rs 100 crore-worth temple-cum-memorial of social reformer and mystic poet Sant Ravidas at Badtuma village.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for a temple of 14th century mystic poet and social reformer Sant Ravidas in Madhya Pradesh's Sagar district on Saturday.Addressing the gathering of BJP workers and saints gathering there .
The prime minister addressed a public programme at Dhana in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh after performing ’bhoomi pujan’ and laying the foundation stone for the construction of Rs 100 crore-worth temple-cum-memorial of social reformer and mystic poet Sant Ravidas at Badtuma village