"Beads of Breath (Sanson Ki Mala)" is a cinematic creation by Kashmir filmmaker Shoaib Shawl, exploring the intricate journey of Ghulam, a revered saint in his village, whose heart is fractured by love. The film navigates the delicate balance between superficial piety and genuine spirituality, revealing layers of perceived madness concealed within spiritual devotion. Ghulam's encounter with the enigmatic Hakim disrupts his saintly façade, prompting unconventional acts to unravel the elusive truths of authentic love. Amidst accusations of deceit and a tragic incident exposing his pretence, Ghulam faces retribution from the villagers. A mysterious turn of events, involving a stone sculpture and a revered book, challenges Ghulam's futile existence. The film, themed around true love, unfolds diverse perspectives, portraying love as a journey beyond lustful desires. Noteworthy scenes, coupled with a captivating musical score, invite viewers into a mystical exploration o