san francisco if this crime problem does not get solved? so my first break in when w i was living herase was in the summer of 2020. in total, i ve had ten breakn la ins, break ins, break ins, three years. yeah,. actually , yeah.they yeah,. actually , yeah.they valuable you know, something they could sell and it s gettingarier. more intense, it s getting scarier and it sconsta, it s constant. ben cook grew ukep inntucky a kentucky and he came to sann francisco for more than twenty years ago to get hisd bea ph.d. he stayed because he felut in love with the city.n wind i see. of the broken window in front. what s that fromth that is a break in earlier. i don t i don t remember which one , but that s that s what it s come to . all th you don t even there have been so many. it s hard to keep track. this is happening all the timeba after the break in and theft, f i lost tens of thousands of dollars. my cremyw lost a lot of tools, e a lot of valuable tools. they need. l of
deflate the tires of suv, which they say are a big cause of climate change. they have already hit cars in new york , chicago, sann francisco, even biden s hometown of scranton. and here now with reaction, founder clay travis and the chair woman of the house republican conference, congresswoman, at least the phonic congresswomanonfe lok at what s happened in new york . your state alone, you haveou ths bodega worker. he s saying on tape, please, i don t want i don t want anyub trouble. i don t want any trouble. le wa guy comes behind the coun, you know, attacks him, pushes him to the ground. to the he s forced to defend themselves and then he gets charged with second degree murder. can you explain that to me? to how how is that justice? well, it s not just john and this is an example j of the fara left woke days that not only do we have in new york state, particularly the manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, who needs tok
traffic. all of the motorist trying to get out of the citity this evening and just jock using for position. good evening. get ready for another day of disruption. strike continue at least for now. no new talk scheduled between the union and bart m management. now getting that t the city today was rough cars were stacked up at the toll plaza. strike put clamamp on the commumute to be sure. different story short timeme ago though.. roads were virtually emem spokesman for the metropol transpoportation commission mtc says fewer vex pass through the bay bridge totoll plaza this morning compmp to last monday. now just more than 39,000 today comparar to just over 40,000 last monday. mtmtc said higher percentage of cash pairs and the other bridgege dissea more drivers today as folk maybe skirtete bay bridge. too much of the day people for much of the day people stood ine up to an hour to grab a bus atat the transbay terminal. ac transisirker says this is quite a change from a typ
3 3 & 3 new yook representative &panthony weiner s week of lyin comes to an end.yesterday. who posted a lewd picture of e himself on twitter. truth r.((i haven t old the . and i ve done things i deeply regrrt - (crying) i 3 brought pain to the people i care about theemost and peoplee who believed in me . and for that m deeply sorry.)) it was little more than a peek go that the emocrat tweeted a photo of himself to a woman innseattle. when the ptory beccme public.weiner claimee he had been his confession yesttrday.. weiner also admitted to otter indiscretions. ((over the past few ears i have engaged in several inappropriate kfrrs inappropriate kfrgs ver twitter, and occasionally with women who i have et online. i ve exchanged messages and phhtos of an explicit nature with six wommn over the ast thhee years. for thh most part, these communications took place beeore my marriage, ttough ome have sadly took plaae after. 16:26:55 to be clear, i have never met any of thes