A group of villagers in Deganga in North 24-Parganas accused the central forces of firing without provocation during the fifth phase of election on Saturday, a week after the April 10 Sitalkuchi firing by the CISF that had left four voters dead.
A police inquiry later failed to establish Saturday’s alleged firing by the forces.
However, residents of Karalgachha village in Deganga Assembly seat pointed to a hole on the ground, which they said was made when a jawan fired on the ground.
“We were sitting in front of a camp of Sanjukta Morcha-backed ISF candidate Karim Ali. A group of jawans suddenly got out of a car and started chasing us with batons. We started fleeing.I saw a jawan firing on the ground. We ran over the paddy field to save our lives,” Sheikh Sariful, a 35-year-old supporter of the ISF said.