As a filmmaker, Sanjay Gupta has chosen to narrate stories that are often centred on men and have a high dosage of stylised action. Two weeks ago, Mumbai Saga, a film exceptionally close to his heart, released in theatres. Although footfall in urban multiplexes was low, the single screens in smaller cities reported numbers that showed promise even in the current scenario. Over to Sanjay, who discusses the road ahead:
Two weeks after the release of Mumbai Saga, how do you look at the entire experience?
I have never been stressed around the release of any of my films. Even with my first film, Aatish, I had just gone to Maratha Mandir and Gaiety on the first day to see the audience reaction. After that I went for a holiday over the weekend. That continued all along - Kaante, Shootout At Lokhandwala, Kaabil which was competing with Raees.I have always believed in doing my work to the best of my ability and leaving the rest to the film’s own destiny which is beyon